Our conscience
Genre : Sciences
Publié le : 20/10/2016
Résumé de l'oeuvre :
Life, that is what is it? It Born, one grows and then dies, then or resides the particularity of this existence. On a logical plan we are all of the animals without defense, of animals which seeks a better existence and that are sharing the lion's share....
Quelques mots de l'auteur :
Born in Kimpese Democratic Republic of Congo, Lionel Nsadisi Bungiena Ntetembwa studied at college and the University of Kinshasa, where he studied economics. He began his career as Agent Bank in 2012, the Rawbank. He published in January 2013 book, "Monetary policy and economic growth in Democratic Republic of Congo" and in December 2014 "Religion brake or acceleration of development," the two books have been published by the European academic editions. He published in November 2015 "Africa in the mirror" by Editions osmora and "bancassurance in Africa" in 2016 always by the same publishing.

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