Wake Up, Ares
Genre : Théâtre
Publié le : 19/03/2021
Résumé de l'oeuvre :
This is the story of eternal love between Ares, the god of war, and Aphrodite, his wife, the goddess of beauty. The play tells us only a part of their story, taking place in August 1962 in New York when Ares no longer wants to fight, because men invented the bomb and they don't need his art. Reading this play, not only will you find out how Michelangelo and Botticelli really worked on their masterpieces and who congratulated Louis XIV on his twentieth anniversary. The memories of play's characters will also make you discover why Pompeii was buried by the eruption of Vesuvius; why Rome fell under Germanic invasions and who really started the Trojan War. Through this play, you'll understand why the Caribbean crises didn't end in a war, how Marilyn Monroe died, and why Erich Segal wrote his Love Story.
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