HAMLET: a monologue on his way from the churchyard to the castle
Genre : Poésie
Publié le : 19/03/2021
Résumé de l'oeuvre :
The gap between the texts of Scene 1 and Scene 2 in Act V gives an idea that there has been a talk between Hamlet and Horatio on their way from the churchyard to the castle. While Hamlet, shocked by the death of Ophelia, is walking away alone from the cemetery, he is seen talking to himself about the Fortune. He realizes, that the wish of the “plume-armoured son” to verify the words of his father on the stage has finally led to Ophelia’s death. As Horatio approaches, they continue discussing this theme in the manner of scholasticism and cite both, New and Old Testaments. Finally, Horatio assumes that Hamlet, chosen by God, will outlive their times but for that, Elsinore’s master by birth will have to pay the price.
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