Goodbye to the old "evaporation-condensation-rain" theory
Genre : Sciences
Publié le : 28/12/2020
Résumé de l'oeuvre :
Hi, very new never heard
Water vapor has never passed the fog stage after which it is completely broken down into H2? and O? by the action of solar ultraviolet radiation
hv + H2O -> H2? escapes + O? escapes
- Welcome new ???? incredible theory
H2 + O -> explosion (lightning & thunder) + H2O (rain)
Here in 2 minutes :
Quelques mots de l'auteur :
Hi, very new never heard
Water vapor has never passed the fog stage after which it is completely broken down into H2? and O? by the action of solar ultraviolet radiation
hv + H2O -> H2? escapes + O? escapes
- Welcome new ???? incredible theory
H2 + O -> explosion (lightning & thunder) + H2O (rain)
Here in 2 minutes :
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