Divergence possible des processus de Data mining et Knowledge Discovery in Databases
Genre : Sciences
Publié le : 19/02/2023
Résumé de l'oeuvre :
Confusion remains to this day between the terms « Data Mining » (DM), translated into French as « Fouille de Données » (FD), and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), translated into French as « Extraction de Connaissance à partir de Données» (ECD). For many researchers and practitioners, the term DM is used as a synonym for ECD in addition to being used to describe one of the steps in the ECD process. It is for this reason that this article has set itself the main objective of giving the main theoretical meaning s between the two concepts (FD and KDD) and trying to explain the difference that would exist in terms of process, storage and data access.
Quelques mots de l'auteur :
Le présent article scientifique est l'oeuvre du Professeur YENDE RAPHAEL Grevisse et CT KASEKA KATADI Viviane.

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