Genre : Essais et documents
Publié le : 03/11/2017
Résumé de l'oeuvre :
lmec art held a special place in the heart of Robert Woods Bliss, who built the collection
now housed at Dumbarton Oaks and who, with his wife, Mildred, conveyed the gardens, grounds, buildings, library, and collections to Harvard University. The first object
he purchased, in 1912, was an Olmec statuette (Pl. 8); he commonly carried a carved jade in his
pocket; and, during his final illness, it was an Olmec mask (Pl. 30) that he asked to be hung on the
wall of his sick room. It is easy to understand Bliss’s predilection for Olmec art. With his strong
preference for metals and polished stone, the Olmec jades were particularly appealing to him.
Although the finest Olmec ceramics are masterpieces in their own right, he preferred to concentrate his collecting on jades.
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