Introduction to Maya Hieroglyphs
Genre : Essais et documents
Publié le : 03/11/2017
Résumé de l'oeuvre :
During the past four decades we have witnessed groundbreaking developments in the field of Maya epigraphy. The purpose of this handbook is to provide an introduction to the study of Maya hieroglyphs and is designed to be used in conjunction with Maya hieroglyphic workshops. It is our objective to summarize and render comprehensibly the recent developments of Maya epigraphy (i.e. hieroglyph studies). The audience targeted is that of beginners attending Maya hieroglyphic workshops...
Quelques mots de l'auteur :
Harri Kettunen Christophe Helmke Department of American Indian Languages and Cultures Institute of Cross-cultural and Regional Studies University of Copenhagen In association with The National Museum of Denmark & Wayeb 2011

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