???? Goodbye universal theory "evaporation-condensation-rain" ????
Genre : Romans
Publié le : 19/05/2021
Résumé de l'oeuvre :
???? Goodbye universal theory "evaporation-condensation-rain" ???? Welcome new ASHRAF 2021 theory???? "evaporation-decomposition-compression-ionization-synthesis H2 + O --> H2O (rain)" See how in 2 minutes: https://youtu.be/dqH3Nrjw0N8
Quelques mots de l'auteur :
New ASHRAF theory 2021 Positive charges are ionized hydrogen Negative charges are ionized oxygen H2 + ½ O2 --> Explosion (lightning + thunder) + H2O (rain)????and not by condensation of water vapor. The water vapor decomposes squarely during its ascent into H2? and O? by action of ultraviolet solar rays. hv + H2O --> H2?escapes + O?escapes in 2 minutes 32 seconds ?: https://youtu.be/dqH3Nrjw0N8

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